‘And Now We Tell our Tale’ Production

2015-03-03T10:59:16+00:00March 2nd, 2015|

Recently our Year 11 BTEC Performing Arts students performed in a Test Valley Arts Foundation project: ‘And Now We Tell our Tale’ They performed along side students from, Winton, Endeavour and the Long Overdue Theatre School at The Lights theatre. The aim of the project is to research the impact on [...]

Local Authority Letter on Attendance

2015-02-27T17:44:54+00:00March 2nd, 2015|

A copy of a letter from John Clarke, Deputy Director of Children's Services at Hampshire County Council has been given to Year 7-10 students to bring home today. This is also available to view on the letters home page: http://vle.harrowway.hants.sch.uk/mod/resource/view.php?inpopup=true&id=7175

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