Performing Arts Showcase 2014

2014-12-18T11:07:43+00:00December 18th, 2014|

111840 Spread over two evenings, the performing arts departments collaborated together to perform a Christmas showcase. Students studying BTEC Music, Dance or Drama were joined from students from all years who play in the school orchestra, sing in the school choir or have guitar lessons in school. Pictures from the evening can be seen here. [...]

Christmas Fair 2014

2014-12-17T15:25:14+00:00December 17th, 2014|

111756 On 12th December, Harrow Way held its annual Christmas fair. There were many stalls and games for all ages, including a Santa’s Grotto, stalls selling gifts and face painting. Early indications are that we have raised over £1,700 from the Christmas Fair and other fundraising events this month, which will be used to support [...]

Year 7 Girls Win at District Indoor Football Tournament

2014-12-17T12:50:03+00:00December 17th, 2014|

With 5 teams entered and little pre-tournament practice, 8 girls travelled to the Clere School to play in the 5-a-side indoor tournament. Results were as follows: 0-0 vs John Hanson 2-0 vs Clere 2-1 vs Testbourne 2-0 vs Test Valley The girls took it in turns to be Goalkeeper for the games. Shannon Durrans played [...]

Naples Day Three

2014-12-15T12:41:16+00:00December 15th, 2014|

Today we woke up at 7 o’clock in time for breakfast at half seven. We then went onto the coach which took us to the amphitheatre in Napoli, and it was amazing! We then went inside and it was full of empty rooms where they would have kept the animals and [...]

Naples Day Two

2014-12-12T10:34:46+00:00December 12th, 2014|

After a nights sleep in the hotel, Klein Wien, we were ready to set off on our journey to the volcanic Island of Capri. The early start meant we were all slow to get off, we thought that we were going to miss our train! But with our pace we made [...]

Bay of Naples Trip – Day One

2014-12-11T10:33:33+00:00December 11th, 2014|

After breakfast, we ventured on a journey up the volcano Mt Vesuvius! The weather was cold, but the views, however were breathtaking! We were able to look over the near towns, Sorrento and Naples. It took us half an hour to walk up the mountain and around the crater on top, [...]

Tweet our Christmas Tree

2014-12-10T16:37:06+00:00December 10th, 2014|

You can tweet our Christmas Tree, which stands in our Auditorium. By tweeting a colour: red, blue, white or a combination to @thetweetytree you can change the colour of the lights. The system was created by our Raspberry Pi club and the main coding was written by one of our year 10 computing students. Take [...]

Christmas Fair 2014

2014-12-10T12:55:15+00:00December 10th, 2014|

This year's annual Christmas Fair will take place in the Auditorium on Friday 12th December 4.00pm - 6.30pm. There will be plenty of stalls from cake to bric-a-brac and Santa will be sat in his Grotto.

Anti-Bullying Parents Survey

2014-12-08T11:18:50+00:00December 8th, 2014|

You may already be aware of the work the school undertook during anti bullying week earlier this term. The students all had the opportunity to respond to an online survey and worked during tutor time on a shared definition of what bullying is. The work the students carried out will feed into the review of [...]

Netball Results – Wednesday 3rd December

2014-12-05T14:51:32+00:00December 5th, 2014|

Year 10/11 v John Hanson HW 10 - JHS 9 Team: Jess Lee (Best Player), Keira Grimison, Holly Healy, Cerys Cousins, Britney Enright, Ella Taylor, Leonie Pitts, Tia Dewhurst Year 9 v John Hanson HW 11 - JHS 2 Team: Rebecca Barnes (Best Player), Louisa Jones, Shelby Truscott, Georgia Healy, Charlotte Humphrey, Georgina Butler, Emma [...]

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