Day 5&6 in Ghana

2014-07-08T10:45:34+01:00July 8th, 2014|

On Friday, we spent the morning with the nursery children teaching them how to write and learn numbers. We sang together, played football and they taught us new dances. In the afternoon, Harrow Way pupils began to make their own Ngoni, which is a musical instrument that is a cross between and harp and guitar. [...]

Day 3 and 4 – Ghana Style

2014-07-04T11:45:17+01:00July 4th, 2014|

We have had a lot of fun over the last few days! We spent the day at Fayef school finally meeting the pupils and we were greeted with a lovely assembly by the whole school with dancing and drumming. We then sat in on a year 10 lesson, without any lights and during a massive [...]

Harrow Way students dance their way to some careers advice

2014-07-04T10:24:49+01:00July 4th, 2014|

Dance at Harrow Way Community School is an increasingly popular and successful subject. To ensure students have an opportunity to explore the various pathways for dance, a recent Year 10 trip took them to The Point in Eastleigh to attend ‘Careers at the Point,’ a fair aimed at exploring various career [...]

Sports Day 2014

2014-07-07T10:31:29+01:00July 3rd, 2014|

This years sports day took on a new format, seeing every student in school take part in an activity. The day started with an opening ceremony, which consisted of a dance from the afterschool dance club. Morning activities began and students where playing for their house teams in rounders, softball, tennis and tug-of-war. After [...]

House Photography Competition

2014-07-03T10:24:23+01:00July 3rd, 2014|

Congratulations to the winners of the photography competition: 1. Martyna Krawcynska (Buzzards) 2. Megan Donner (Buzzards) 3. Mark Todd (Buzzards) There have been some excellent entries from students on a variety of subjects so well done to everyone who participated. Special thanks go to Mr. Mann, Miss Herbert, Mr. Fluellen and Mr. Woods for judging [...]

Wardour Castle

2014-07-07T10:32:10+01:00July 3rd, 2014|

The sun shone for the trip to Old Wardour Castle where 30 year 7 Historians spent the day outside of the classroom, exploring the remains of a Medieval castle in Wiltshire. The trip complimented previous classwork on the Middle Ages in which students spent time studying different types of castles and what life would have [...]

Kieran strikes gold in maths challenge

2014-07-02T14:41:41+01:00July 2nd, 2014|

HARROW Way’s gifted and talented Year 7 and 8 students are celebrating their successes at a national mathematics competition. Daily Echo: Kieran strikes gold in maths challenge Kieran strikes gold in maths challenge Overall 11 students qualified for the bronze certificate and five qualified for the silver certificate in the UK [...]

Andover Skatepark Jam

2014-07-02T12:00:35+01:00July 2nd, 2014|

Wednesday 13th August 2014 at The Depot, West Portway, Andover. Skate and scooter competitions, see here for more information.

Greetings from West Africa…

2014-07-02T09:51:09+01:00July 2nd, 2014|

I am very pleased to report that Harrow Way's first adventure into sub Saharan Africa has thus far been immensely successful. After long delays and lots of catch-up sleep; today was our first opportunity, since our arrival on Monday night, to experience life out and about on the streets of an African village. The village [...]

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