Gingerbread House Competiton

2013-12-31T12:31:49+00:00December 20th, 2013|

We had many wonderful entries for our Gingerbread House Competition this week. After careful consideration, Miss Fisher has pronounced the winners to be: Year 7 - Leon Machin Year 8 - Emma Hunter Year 9 - Amy McDonald Year 10 - Hannah Woods Gingerbread House Points were awarded to: Hawks with the most entrants and [...]

Autumn Term Newsletter

2013-12-20T17:13:22+00:00December 20th, 2013|

Students have been given the Autumn Term Newsletter to bring home. Important dates for your calendar are included, as well as the Head's Corner. Click this link to take you to the newsletter.

History H-Factor

2013-12-19T15:44:58+00:00December 19th, 2013|

A Year 8 History class put on their own performance of 'The H Factor' today to present their songs they have been writing in class about the Tudors. The groups who performed really impressed the staff judges, who awarded points out of 10 to each group. The winning group - Georgia Healy, Ellie Thomson and [...]

Paris Trip 2013

2013-12-19T14:45:27+00:00December 19th, 2013|

One week ago, December 2013, 66 of us headed for Paris for an amazing weekend. Here are the photos of the trip. Enjoy!

Are you a parent in the Regular Armed Forces?

2013-12-17T10:35:42+00:00December 17th, 2013|

Service parents with children at Harrow Way Community School are encouraged to ensure that the Headteacher is made aware of their Service status for the Spring School Census which will be conducted on 16 January 2014. Please read the linked poster for more information about the Service Pupil Premium.

Year 8 Trip to London

2013-12-16T10:58:09+00:00December 16th, 2013|

On Tuesday 10th December, 11 students from Year 8 travelled to the National Portrait Gallery, London. Accompanied by Mrs Askey and Mrs Lush, the group travelled up to view the special exhibition of Tudor art, as they have been studying this period in History. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the visit to the capital, especially using public [...]

Clay tea lights

2013-12-16T10:56:28+00:00December 16th, 2013|

  Well done to all the year 7s who took part in Craft Club after school sessions over the last few weeks and made, Hallowe'en spiders, Remembrance Poppies and Christmas tea lights. Merry Christmas to you all, keep crafting Mrs Collins

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