HC3S Competition Winners

2013-11-28T13:11:18+00:00October 14th, 2013|

Today, winners of a competition ran by our catering supplier HC3S were announced. Jasmine Roy (year 7) was drawn in first place and has won a Kindle Fire. Jake Corke (year 8) was drawn in second place and won an iPod Shuffle. Last week when students brought items of food or drink from the school [...]

Careers Fair 2013

2013-11-28T13:07:35+00:00October 11th, 2013|

The 2013 Careers Fair for Year 11 students at Harrow Way Community School has taken place. All the students were given the chance to discover what opportunities and options the future could hold for them at the fair, which takes place each year to assist the 15 and 16 year olds who are focusing their [...]

Classics Students read to Play Group

2013-11-28T13:12:53+00:00October 9th, 2013|

Year 9 Classical Civilisation students wrote some excellent stories for young children on the Roman Gods and Goddesses. They bravely went down to Harrow Way play school to read them. The toddlers loved the stories and the Year 9s loved reading them ... once they got over their nerves!

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