Year 7 Cycling Up and Pedalling!

2012-11-09T18:34:26+00:00November 9th, 2012|

Dave Jowett, British Cycling coach, was welcomed back to Harrow Way today. Fourteen keen Year 7 cyclists joined him for a brilliant first session. They impressed Dave so much with their ability to listen, follow instructions, work as a team and control their bike through all the gears, that they are heading on to the [...]

Year 11 get Inspired to do well

2012-11-09T15:50:33+00:00November 8th, 2012|

On Wednesday 7th November, Year 11 students had workshop sessions with inspirational speaker Jim Roberson. Students were shown different techniques on how to approach being prepared for their exams. As well as exam preparation, students were shown why having an education and doing the best they can could lead them to their chosen career path and lead [...]

Fairplay Launch

2012-11-09T15:54:19+00:00November 8th, 2012|

The launch of the Fairplay Youth Gig Series 2012 at Andover Museum is on 3rd November. There will be a heat held at Harrow Way on the 17th November. Photo: The Mayor Dorothy Bavistock opening/launching Fairplay Youth Gig Series 2012. In the photo: Wendy Morrish, Mayor Dorothy Bavistock, Mags Todd, Felicity Crabb (The Edge Project), [...]

Andover Christmas Tree Decorations

2012-11-05T15:09:38+00:00November 5th, 2012|

On Thursday 25th October, local artist Eileen White visited some year 7 art students to create outdoor tree decorations for Andover using recycled materials. Based on the fruit of plane trees, we created large baubles made out of recycled carrier bags and cellophane. To view some pictures click here.

Superb Leadership at the 2012 Year 5/6 Indoor Athletics

2013-02-25T15:11:27+00:00November 5th, 2012|

25 Harrow Way students, who were chosen for their commitment to leadership within the school, gave up a day off to enrich the sporting experiences of children from our cluster schools recently. They are all to be congratulated on their commitment, enthusiasm and ability to lead. The students spent the [...]

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