KS3 Presentation Evening 2012

2012-07-17T09:25:24+01:00July 17th, 2012|

On Monday 16th July Harrow Way celebrated the success of Year 7 & 8 students at the Key Stage 3 presentation evening. Subject awards were given to students for achievement and effort, as well as specialism awards. To view a gallery of pictures click here.

Fairplay Youth Gig Series

2012-07-20T12:13:39+01:00July 17th, 2012|

Fairplay Youth Gig Series is an opportunity for young people aged between 12-21 years to perform in various venues during November, culminating in a final event at Andover Leisure Centre on 1st December. Perhaps you know of a band or artist that would like to participate - click here for an application form which must [...]

Climbing Club visit Calshot

2012-07-16T16:30:19+01:00July 16th, 2012|

Last Friday, the students who have been regularly attending our students indoor rock climbing club (open to all year groups after school on Wednesdays) were given the opportunity to travel to Calshot Activities Centre for the afternoon to use the skills they've been developing at school on much bigger, higher and more challenging walls. The [...]

New Student Leadership Announced

2012-07-16T10:49:17+01:00July 16th, 2012|

Harrow Way are pleased to inform you that we have appointed the Student Leadership team for the next academic year as follows: Head Boy: Anthony Wharton Deputy Head Boy: Jake Williams Head Girl: Abby Wheeler Deputy Head Girl: Amy Roberts

Year 10 Enterprise Days

2012-07-13T15:33:22+01:00July 13th, 2012|

This week, all Year 10 students at Harrow Way Community School have had an opportunity to take part in two challenging enterprise days. The first day was led by Angus Farmer, Managing Director of CocoMango, his specialist manufacturing company making hand-made soaps. Angus was making his third visit to the school [...]

The Olympic Torch Comes to Andover

2012-07-12T17:43:32+01:00July 12th, 2012|

Harrow Way's London 2012 Leadership Academy was very proud to represent Harrow Way on Day 54 of the Olympic Torch relay. Positioned outside Burbidges Bakery, cakes were enjoyed whilst the torch was eagerly anticipated! The Academy's banner drew attention from the many sponsors, as well as the torch bearer himself.

Harrow Way Cluster BIG Week!

2012-07-09T11:25:48+01:00July 6th, 2012|

A year in the making, the Harrow Way Cluster BIG week was definitely worth waiting for! Every school in the cluster was involved, from the Opening Ceremony on Friday 22nd June to the Closing Ceremony on Friday 29th June. Andover Lawn Tennis Club, British Cycling, Andover Table Tennis Club and Andover [...]

Author, Alex Scarrow, visits Harrow Way

2012-07-06T14:58:45+01:00July 6th, 2012|

 Hampshire Book Award and Red House Award winner Alex Scarrow delighted Year 7s on Thursday 5th July during his fantastic visit to Harrow Way. During the day he gave an assembly-style presentation to students which began with a high energy author's talk. In this ‘behind the scenes' talk Alex introduced how he started writing, where [...]

BOGOF Book Fair 10th-17th July

2012-07-06T13:44:23+01:00July 6th, 2012|

We are pleased to inform you of a BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Book Fair being held in the Library from the 10th July (Tuesday) to the 17th July! Students will be able to purchase books every break-time and lunch-time or during English class visits to the library. Held by Scholastic, [...]

Year 11 Balloon Release

2012-07-05T14:13:56+01:00July 5th, 2012|

On 15th July, Year 11 launched 180 balloons to mark the end of their school careers. Labels on each balloon requested that anyone who found them should e-mail the school. Within two hours, the Head Girl's balloon was found in Norwich! Caroline Lowing, Assistant Headteacher who worked closely with Year 11, said that it was [...]

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