Headteacher’s Commendations 2012

2012-08-02T13:08:36+01:00July 31st, 2012|

This year 52 students have received Headteacher's Commendations. Throughout the year students receive stamps in their diaries, but only if they achieve success in all of the following criteria during their lesson: Wearing correct school uniform Arriving for lessons on time Bringing the correct equipment Showing good behaviour Completing classwork and homework to an appropriate [...]

New Online Free School Meal Eligibility Checking

2012-09-17T10:01:56+01:00July 31st, 2012|

Hampshire County Council Catering Services (HC3S) has launched a new online service so that parents can check their eligibility for free school meals themselves. This self-service option is available at http://www3.hants.gov.uk/caterers/hc3s-freeschoolmeals Please note that the criteria for free school meals is the same regardless of method of checking eligibility, but for online service, all you [...]

Newsletter – Summer 2012

2012-07-31T13:07:34+01:00July 31st, 2012|

Please use the following link to read the Harrow Way Newsletter that was sent home at the end of term, in July.  Summer Newsletter 2012

Sports Day 2012

2012-07-19T14:36:39+01:00July 19th, 2012|

Congratulations to BLUE house who were the overall winners of Sports Day. All Harrow Way students were on the school field on Thursday morning to take part in the school's annual sports day. Students competed in their houses, by taking part in many track and field events. The staff also took part in a staff [...]

Leadership Academy Young Leaders

2012-07-19T11:07:00+01:00July 19th, 2012|

Seventeen Year 7 students from the Harrow Way Leadership Academy received their Young Leader certificates recently. Through attending the club, they followed a leadership programme where they developed their communication skills and learned to organise activities. Some of the events they have led this year have included the Town Rock-it-ball Tournament, the Year 3/4 Indoor [...]

Year 9 Enterprise Days 2012

2012-07-18T15:28:40+01:00July 18th, 2012|

All Year 9 students took part in two separate Enterprise Days this week. For the first day they took on an engaging challenge which involved all the processes of financial planning, creating suitable menus and entertainment and most of all vivid imaginations, as they took on the various roles in imaginary [...]

Performing Arts Summer Showcase 2012

2012-07-18T14:37:30+01:00July 18th, 2012|

Tuesday evening saw a night of dance and drama in the auditorium. The evening kicked off with three dances from KS4 dance classes, made up from year 9 and 10 students. We then had some performance poetry, which earlier in the year was performed at a local competition. The first drama play was Ernie's Incredible [...]

Explore Outdoor – Fun in the Sun!

2012-07-18T09:32:52+01:00July 18th, 2012|

Mrs Lush, Mrs Ripley, Miss Sturges and sixteen Year 7 students headed off to Charlton for their Explore Outdoor day. Having got extremely lucky with the weather (no rain, only sunshine!), they worked with James and Fran to experience a thoroughly enjoyable, (although extremely exhausting!) day. Team games, climbing, archery and bushcraft provided a fun [...]

Harrow Way Sports Leaders Continue to Impress

2012-07-17T13:48:40+01:00July 17th, 2012|

Even though exams have now ended and the Prom has passed, Harrow Way Sports Leaders are still keen to lend a hand to inspire young people. Ella Howells, Tom Longshaw, Lydia Moulding, Maddison Douch, Liam Bowman, Clara Franklin and ex-Harrow Way student, Elly Vanderplank, attended and led the recent Rural School Athletics Meeting. A total [...]

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