Rough Diamonds – Jubilee Celebration

2012-06-01T12:41:45+01:00May 30th, 2012|

Harrow Way was part of an exciting community theatre experience which took place throughout The Lights Theatre on Tuesday 29th May. The audience was guided around the space, witnessing scenes in unexpected places, including the pond area out the front and arena seating area. Harrow Way students worked alongside Forest Forge Theatre Company who have [...]

‘Make and Take’ – Sewing Workshops

2012-05-25T14:35:03+01:00May 25th, 2012|

Come and get creative at Harrow Way Community School with our Sewing Workshops in July 2012.  Please see attached poster for more information.  Limited places available, booking is required.

Manga Artist Visit Year 9 Students

2012-05-22T14:07:47+01:00May 22nd, 2012|

Recently, Sonia Leong, a fantastic professional comic artist and illustrator specialising in anime/manga comic art visited Harrow Way to speak to Year 9. Sonia is recognised throughout the UK as one of the leading Manga artists and workshop presenters and has written and illustrated over eighty comic/graphic novels. She is accomplished in a variety of [...]

Andover Museum – Half Term Holiday Fun

2012-05-22T13:47:11+01:00May 22nd, 2012|

Activites taking place at Andover and local Museums at Half Term. Click here to see the leaflet for more details. Half Term Fun at Andover Museum: Saturday 2 June - Right Royal Fun. Free drop-in craft activities all day on a Jubilee theme, from 10am to 4pm. Tuesday 5 June - The Diamond Queens. A [...]

Jumpers for Goalposts

2012-05-22T09:46:58+01:00May 22nd, 2012|

If you like running around and playing football then you can for just £1 an hour every Saturday 1pm - 3pm. Located at Charlton Astroturf (The Sports Academy), supervised by a FA licensed coach.

Success at Senior Athletics

2012-05-16T13:59:26+01:00May 16th, 2012|

On Friday 11th May, a group of around 40 Key Stage 4 students attended the ADSSA Senior District Athletics event at Charlton Athletics Track. A lack of practice opportunities due to the poor summer weather meant that we took a smaller team than usual, however it was proved that “good things [...]

Vigo Stepping Stones Unveiling

2012-05-09T08:55:14+01:00May 9th, 2012|

As part of Salisbury International Festival, several groups of young people across Andover, including young people from Harrow Way Community School, have been creating mosaic stepping stones to go on display in the park. at the Community Food Bed, Vigo Rec, Andover on Sunday 27th May 2012. There will be FREE activities to try on [...]


2012-05-09T14:07:20+01:00May 7th, 2012|

Well, we made it! What a fantastic weekend the boys had up in the glorious Derbyshire Dales. On Friday 4th May, we departed school and headed up the M1. On arrival at the youth hostel, we all marvelled at the palatial surroundings YHA Ilam Hall, just outside Ashbourne,  had to offer. [...]

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