Harrow Way Book Club launch

2012-02-21T10:31:05+00:00February 21st, 2012|

To celebrate world book day, Harrow Way are launching a new weekly Adult Book Club. The club will take place in the school's Library on Wednesday 29th February, 1.30pm - 2.30pm. Please look at this poster for more information.

Drama Productions – The Godmother & Bloodbrothers

2012-02-08T12:37:55+00:00February 8th, 2012|

On Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th February, the schools Drama club performed The Godmother, alongside the Yr11 BTEC Performing Arts students’ production of Blood Brothers. The Godmother is a comedy set in 1920's New York and was performed by students in Year 7 and 8. Year 11 drama students performed Blood Brothers as part [...]

Friday – Day 6; our last skiing fix

2012-02-06T10:44:30+00:00February 3rd, 2012|

Today was like the Arctic, minus 22 degrees at resort level. Who knows what it was at the top, but it made you shiver. The children have learnt a lot about how to cope in the cold weather. They just got on with it and were very uncomplaining. We think that [...]

Andover Sport Relief Mile

2012-02-03T14:46:46+00:00February 3rd, 2012|

The Sport Relief mile is returning to Andover and will be held at Charlton Athletics Track on the 25th March. For more details please see this poster for details.

Exhibition of work by Yr 10 & Yr 9 at The Fairground Art Gallery

2012-02-03T11:54:08+00:00February 3rd, 2012|

Harrow Way Art Department celebrated the success of current KS4 students in an art exhibition held at The Fairground Art Gallery at Weyhill during January . All of the work exhibited was inspired by the theme of “Pattern in Nature” whereby the students investigated the detailed structure of Natural Forms using flowers, leaves, trees, insects, [...]

Thursday – Day 5; our skiers thrive!

2012-02-10T16:54:58+00:00February 2nd, 2012|

The sun has got his hat on, hip, hip, hip, hip, hooray, The sun has got his hat on, but not kept the cold away! This morning it was -17 in the resort. Brrrrrr! But it didn’t stop us from braving the elements, all looking like Michelin men, wrapped up and [...]

Wednesday – Day 4 and it’s snowing no more!

2012-02-02T08:36:07+00:00February 1st, 2012|

Yippee! Brilliant blue skies today so we could see where we were going; for some that was a good thing, but for others it was not such a good thing partly because they could see how steep the slopes are here. All groups are able to get to most areas of [...]

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