Year 8 – Handling Data

2011-11-29T14:57:18+00:00November 29th, 2011|

With the whole of year 8 looking at collecting and presenting data at the moment, some pupils made a fantastic use of the opportunity. These pupils (click on the pictures to see all of the photos) designed and carried out their own experiments then gave a presentation of their findings to the class and members [...]

Year 10 Tessellations

2011-11-29T14:54:24+00:00November 29th, 2011|

Year 10 have been busy recently with work on tessellations. Here are a couple of their designs. They have learnt to find designs that can be repeated indefinitely. Click on any of the thumbnails to see the whole album.

Wheelchair Basketball is a Winner for the 2012 Leadership Academy

2011-11-24T09:58:21+00:00November 24th, 2011|

Last Friday, fifteen Year 7,8 and 9 students from the 2012 Leadership Academy, set off to Anton Junior School to lead, as well as experience, two Paralympic activities: New Age Kurling and Wheelchair Basketball. Jordan Cox, a regular at the club and a former Anton pupil, initiated the idea of the two Leadership Clubs coming [...]

Harrow Way students climb to new heights

2011-11-23T23:42:38+00:00November 23rd, 2011|

Harrow Way has recently, thanks in no small part to funding provided by Sport England, The Jamie G Sporting Trust and Sport Hampshire been able to re-furbish and bring back into service the long-since disused indoor climbing wall in the school sports hall to benefit both our students and wider community too. School staff have [...]

KS4 Presentation Evening 2011

2011-11-21T10:30:46+00:00November 18th, 2011|

Harrow Way welcomed back our Year 11 students from last year to receive their GCSE Certificates on Thursday 17th November. Also awarded were subject awards and special achievement trophies and cups. To see a gallery of pictures of individual prize winners click here.

Tractors and Trees Birds Bats and Bees!

2011-11-18T15:52:31+00:00November 18th, 2011|

On Wednesday 9th November at 9.30 am, our class went to Trinley Estate. We left with Miss Sturges and Mrs Ripley in the minibus and Mrs Lush and Mrs Brown in Mrs Brown’s car. When we arrived we met Andrew the farmer (he is famous because he was on Countryfile!). We [...]

Community Consultation Questionnaire

2012-02-21T12:59:27+00:00November 16th, 2011|

Harrow Way Community Education provide many courses for Adults, Families and Young people for the Andover community. We wish to provide the best possible range of courses and ask you to fill in a simple questionnaire to help us plan our courses in the future. If you would like to view our range of courses [...]

Year 9 GCSE Classics Greek God Books

2011-11-14T17:09:32+00:00November 14th, 2011|

The year 9 GCSE Classics class have recently made books on Greek Gods aimed at 3 year olds. Once the books had been made, they took them down and read them to the Harrow Way Pre-School group. To view some pictures click here.

GCSE Art Coursework

2011-11-23T23:43:01+00:00November 10th, 2011|

For all last year's GCSE Art students, please note that you can collect your artwork from the art room after the formal part of Presentation Evening. It will not be available to collect prior to Thursday 17th November; please rest assured that nothing will be disposed of until after 30th November. If you cannot make [...]

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