Art in the Garden – Sir Harold Hillier Gardens, Romsey

2011-06-30T12:46:22+01:00June 30th, 2011|

This installation has been created by students from Harrow Way Community School in Andover. It is the result of an after-school project for year 8 talented artists. Students visited the gardens last year to soak in the atmosphere and collect visual information of natural forms as drawings and digital photographs. They [...]

Harrow Way say ‘Goodbye’

2011-06-30T15:25:21+01:00June 29th, 2011|

We said goodbye to our year 11 students on Wednesday 29th June at their leaving assembly. Year 11 students came to have an official goodbye from the Headteacher and other members of staff, followed by a small buffet.

Buddy Scheme 2011

2011-06-20T08:51:58+01:00June 20th, 2011|

Can you be a friend & accompany a young person with a learning disability to get the most from their leisure? Please click on the thumbnail for more information.

Calshot 2011: Thursday & Friday

2011-06-21T11:21:42+01:00June 19th, 2011|

Photos from the final two days of the Yr 8 Calshot residential trip are now online. Photos for all the other days have also been updated, with some additional pictures from some other cameras we had with us now online as well - so do check back over the whole gallery. The whole trip was [...]


2011-06-17T14:19:21+01:00June 17th, 2011|

Are you interested in where you live? Do you enjoy designing and planning? Have you thought about the places and spaces that you use? Then read on ……. SPUD is a project for young people to work on a live architectural/urban design brief. The Andover SPUD group will look at access [...]

Calshot: Tuesday and Wednesday

2011-06-15T20:44:49+01:00June 15th, 2011|

Well we've had a very busy 2 days down here on the coast! Activities on Tuesday were ongoing, with the different groups taking part in rock climbing, archery, track cycling on the velodrome, snowboarding, mountain biking and some groups were out on the water trying windsurfing. In the evening we did a scavenger hunt on [...]

Opening of New Cycle Route and Family Bike Ride, Hampshire

2011-06-15T15:33:41+01:00June 15th, 2011|

Celebrate the official opening of National Cycle Network Route 246 and join a 4 mile family ride to Charlton Lakes on Saturday 18 June in Andover, Hampshire. To take part in the ride, come along to the official opening of Route 246 at Jamie G Sports Fair at Vigo Recreation Ground at 11am. The ride [...]

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