Year 10 Art Trip to Roche Court

2011-02-07T11:24:29+00:00February 7th, 2011|

January 2011 and time for the Art Department to go on its annual drawing day visit. Year 10 artists visited the Museum of Army Flying, at Middle Wallop and Roche Court Sculpture Park, at East Winterslow where they were given a very warm welcome. They gathered valuable information for their controlled assessment portfolio, drawing a [...]

Calling out for Young Artists

2011-02-07T11:15:47+00:00February 7th, 2011|

The EDGE Project are looking for art work by young people aged 14-24 to be part of an exhibition that showcases Young talent in the area. Please click here for more details.

Vote for Hector!

2011-02-09T10:23:28+00:00February 7th, 2011|

Hector Prieto is in Year 8 and up for election to become a member of the Hampshire Youth Parliament. To read his proposal please click here, to see what he promises to improve for Hampshire Youth. To vote you require a unique code which is obtanable from the school. Please vote for Hector here! [...]

Social Networking Sites

2011-03-21T18:30:24+00:00February 3rd, 2011|

The school has recently been dealing with a number of issues arising from social networking sites, including Facebook.  First of all, can I please remind you to follow age restrictions which apply to the various sites.  Secondly, if you do use such sites, please make sure that you set your privacy settings correctly to stop [...]

Presentation of Cheque to Woofability

2011-02-01T16:11:44+00:00February 1st, 2011|

Jenny and Andy Clarke visited Harrow Way today from Woofability with Snoop! Snoop was sponsored by Harrow Way and today a cheque for £1500 was donated to Woofability. The name Snoop was chosen by Harrow Way students, in a competition, as one of the fundraising ideas to raise money for Woofability. Snoop is being trained [...]

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