Day 4 – Thursday 4 February

2010-02-04T22:36:55+00:00February 4th, 2010|

At last the thermometer got above zero, so everyone looked decidedly thinner as they did not have to wear so many layers to keep warm. Also nobody had any excuse for crashing any more as they could see where they were going. However there were still lots of crashes so we [...]

Day 3 – Wednesday 3 February

2010-02-03T23:49:29+00:00February 3rd, 2010|

Today was the best day of the trip so far. Everybody was so animated at the end of their lessons. The instructors excelled themselves with their choice of runs and choice of tasks for the children. Today the weather was kind to us and we had sunny blue skies. The views [...]

Day 2 – Tuesday 2 February

2010-02-02T23:23:09+00:00February 2nd, 2010|

Today proved to be a perfect ski day after having a few more inches of snow overnight. Fresh snow meant increased confidence and all came back to lunch full of joie de vivre. Today we managed to ski with some of the students from the top group and we enjoyed watching [...]

Harrow Way’s Sponsored Puppy

2013-02-28T15:24:02+00:00February 2nd, 2010|

Harrow Way Student Council selected Woofability as a local organisation the school would like to support. Here is a picture of the puppy that the school will be funding. She will be 7 weeks old on the 7th February and was chosen from a litter of 5 puppies. We'll soon have to name the puppy [...]

First Day of Skiing – Monday 1st February

2010-02-01T23:13:47+00:00February 1st, 2010|

You think it’s been cold in England … well, it’s freeeeeeeeezing here! Minus 15! However the snow was amazing; cold and squeaky! Perfect conditions to learn to ski. The instructors were very impressed with the two beginners groups and they managed to get out of the main bowl and even higher [...]

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