Christmas is coming ….

2009-11-10T17:12:27+00:00November 9th, 2009|

We have a new arrival on the farm …… Thanks to Mr and Mrs Gibbs of Country Fayre we have a handsome 5yr old male (called a Stag) Turkey on loan to us. He arrived yesterday (8th Nov 2009) and will be staying with us well past Christmas! Check out our webcam and see if [...]

Year 7 and 8 Girls Football Tournament

2009-11-16T11:42:19+00:00November 7th, 2009|

Friday 6th November at Farleigh School As the Harrow Way team arrived to the tournament they were met with wind, rain and very cold conditions, however, the girls certainly did not let the uninviting weather affect their game. They started with a bang playing Farleigh A team when, within 3 minutes, [...]

Year 7 Success at District Cross Country

2009-11-04T12:16:44+00:00November 4th, 2009|

Tuesday 3rd November This afternoon we saw 20 Year 7 and 8 students represent Harrow Way at the District Cross Country Championships held at Winton school. After a walk round the course and a rather long wait, the four competitions took place for year 7 girls, year 7 boys, year 8 [...]

Please use the following links to access further information on Rights Respecting Schools:

2009-11-03T12:05:23+00:00November 3rd, 2009|

An introduction to UNICEF's Rights Respecting School (PowerPoint presentation) The Case for ‘Rights-Respecting Schools’ based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (The case) The features of a ‘Rights-Respecting Classroom’. (Classroom features) The Little Book of Rights (The Little Book of Rights) SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL ASPECTS OF LEARNING (SEAL) Potential Links [...]

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