Harrow Way Community School presents…

2009-10-22T10:35:11+01:00October 22nd, 2009|

The St Mary's Project a collaboration of artwork in response to the church The exhibition at St Mary’s Church opens to the public Saturday 24 October until Saturday 31 October daily except Sunday and Monday 10am - 3pm The exhibition includes ceramics, painting and sound and vision work by students from Harrow Way, John Hanson, [...]

Andover College Diploma Information Evening

2009-10-15T14:14:36+01:00October 15th, 2009|

A letter from Andover College inviting Year 9 students and their parents to this Diploma Information Evening on Tuesday 10th November will be sent home shortly, together with a covering letter from the Headteacher, Mr Currie.  You can view an electonic copy of these letters here and here, or on the VLE.

English Schools Cross-Country Cup 2009

2009-11-02T11:06:34+00:00October 15th, 2009|

On 8th October 2009, Harrow Way School staged round 1 of the English Schools Cross-Country Cup Competition. We were invited to host the first round by the English Schools Athletics Association (ESAA) having entered the competition for the first time. The event, organised by Mr Peters, was held at Charlton Sports [...]

Harrow Way Hosts Partnership Table Tennis Competitions

2009-10-13T15:59:25+01:00October 13th, 2009|

Organised by the Mountbatten School Sports Partnership Competition Manager, Rob Cook, with support from Mr Hudson, Head of PE, Harrow Way were proud to host the Under 13 and U16 Partnership Table Tennis Competitions. Representing Harrow Way in the Under 13 team were: Harvey North, Alexander Hunt, Liam Bowman and Callum Paxton. Kenneth Gates, Hallum [...]

Newly-acclaimed Artist visits Harrow Way

2009-10-12T15:35:16+01:00October 12th, 2009|

Art students at Harrow Way Community School had a creative treat recently with a guest appearance from Kirsty Whitlock, Artist in Residence of De Montfort University. Kirsty took time out from her busy exhibition schedule to meet Year 10 and Year 11 (14 to 16 year old) art students. Having recently [...]

Rock-it-ball Rocks at Harrow Way!

2009-10-08T10:38:36+01:00October 8th, 2009|

At the 2009 Harrow Way Year 5 and 6 Cluster Rock-it-ball Festival, two teams from Kimpton School and five teams from Portway Junior School joined each other in the Sports Hall, donned their coloured team bibs and anticipated a great two hours of fun and excitement! […]

Years 10/11 Netball Report – 30/09/09

2009-10-01T12:11:59+01:00October 1st, 2009|

Harrow Way 28 v Winton 7 As the game started, Harrow Way moved the ball down the court to score the first goal. Shooters, Steph Jackson and Alice Longshaw, continued with their early success, scoring 10 goals in the first quarter. […]

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