LEJOG 2009: A Successful Ride

2009-06-01T09:35:10+01:00May 29th, 2009|

Over half term two teachers from Harrow Way, with some friends, took on the task to ride from Lands End to John O'groats in 7 days!  To see their day by day progress look at the LEJOG 2009 pages. The team made it to John O'Groats by 7:30pm on Thursday evening! Thanks to everyone for [...]

LEJOG 2009: Days 5 & 6

2009-06-01T09:29:04+01:00May 27th, 2009|

The LEJOG team are starting to face real challenges. Day 5 saw an epic battle with hills and strong headwinds. Having set off at 8:30am it took 15 hours to complete the 135 mile route - finishing at 11:30pm! Day 6 started at 8:30am as usual, but this time 135 miles were covered in a [...]

LEJOG 2009: Day 3

2009-06-01T09:28:37+01:00May 25th, 2009|

The riders started day 3 at 8am (with Jon complaining of a sore bottom!). The relatively short (!) distance of 118 miles was completed in just under 11 hours, but exact details aren't available because the cycle computers stopped working (perhaps from overuse?).

LEJOG 2009: Day 2

2009-06-01T09:28:16+01:00May 24th, 2009|

Set off at 8:20am, made it to destination by 9:30pm. Over 10 hours cycling time to cover 144 miles! A tough day.

LEJOG 2009: Day 1

2009-06-01T09:27:28+01:00May 22nd, 2009|

The LEJOG 2009 riders have completed 129 miles to reach their first stop (Crediton). The journey took a little over 12 hours, with more than 9 of those being in the saddle!

And they’re off – Lands End to John O’Groats 2009!

2009-06-01T10:22:56+01:00May 22nd, 2009|

Two members of Harrow Way staff are at it again, only this time they aim to achieve this epic cycling challenge in 7 days! Mr J Mann and Jon Land set off this morning with four other riders to conquer the 900 mile event. Please check our website for updates. [...]

Plant a penny & grow £650!

2009-05-22T14:47:06+01:00May 22nd, 2009|

In support of the Lands End to John O’Groats 2009 charity ride. Back in March students and staff at Harrow Way Community School were each being given 1 pence as a means to raise awareness and funds for The Countess of Brecknock Hospice and The British Heart Foundation. […]

Results of the Cake Competition

2009-05-18T11:42:44+01:00May 15th, 2009|

The following people have been awarded prizes for the Cake competition Overall competition winner Anthony Smith Overall Runner up goes to Claire Breen Year 7 Winner - Carlton Leonard Year 7 2nd prize - Shannon Nixon Year 7 Joint 3rd prize - Katie Dutton and Chelsea Wickenden Year 7 Highly Commended, Jake Williams and Chloe [...]

Too good to eat!

2009-05-13T16:25:24+01:00May 11th, 2009|

During the past few weeks over 80 students currently taking part in the KS 3 Food carousel have been looking at the Design Process within Food Technology and using the TV programme, Ace Of Cakes, based on cake design company Charm City as inspiration, students been working towards designing and creating their [...]

Gifted and Talented Day – 29.04.2009

2009-05-08T11:52:34+01:00May 6th, 2009|

Geography/Science Last week students investigated measuring carbon footprint and how to calculate the school’s carbon footprint. Frank Kenny from Office Depot, and Bernie Hurn from Simply Health delivered presentations to the group of Year 9 students on their company policies for reducing carbon footprint. These presentations were very informative and gave [...]

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