Flower Beds

2009-03-20T11:24:26+00:00March 20th, 2009|

The sun was out and so work was started on our first flower beds. A big thank you to the students who worked so hard all afternoon. Keep an eye on our photos to see how their beds progress. Mr S. Badby  

Andover Schools Anti-Litter Campaign

2009-03-18T12:17:49+00:00March 18th, 2009|

On Monday 16th March, Harrow Way joined John Hanson and Winton and their cluster schools at The Lights Theatre. Each of the three cluster groups, presented an anti-litter campaign in front of a panel of judges. […]

Promoting the link between good health, behaviour and achievement

2009-03-18T11:41:40+00:00March 18th, 2009|

Harrow Way Community School's application for National Healthy Schools status has been approved. To achieve this award we were required to meet criteria in four core themes: Personal Social and Health Education including sex and relationship education and drug education Healthy eating Physical activity Emotional health and well-being including anti-bullying education and to show ample [...]

March 09 Update

2009-03-18T11:26:20+00:00March 18th, 2009|

Its another new month (March) and everyone has been working hard. Our onions and garlic, which are in our raised beds, have survived the winter and are doing well; we have also been busy planting in our polytunnel and digging fresh beds outside. So far we have sown seeds for …… Carrots, Sugar Snap Peas, [...]

Andover and District Town Schools Football Tournament

2009-04-28T11:11:37+01:00March 13th, 2009|

Football was everywhere on Harrow Way School field on Thursday 12th March! Over one hundred and fifty enthusiastic Year 5 and 6 pupils from the local primary schools set across the pitches for an exciting afternoon’s football in the Andover and District Town Schools’ Football Tournament. […]

Hideous Portraits

2009-03-13T10:30:55+00:00March 13th, 2009|

Have you met my uncle Frank? Please click on the thumbnail to view more pictures Mrs Collins introduced Year 8s to a project called ‘Hideous Portraits’ which required the students to imagine they worked in a call centre taking instructions over the phone for a portrait. This particular portrait was of [...]

Tri Golf Fun at Portway Infants

2009-03-12T11:39:23+00:00March 12th, 2009|

Seven of our Year 10 Sports Leaders led a fantastic fun-filled tri golf session at a sunny Portway Infant School on Wednesday 11th March. Jamie Healy and George Argyrou started the session with ‘Tiger Says’ – the Year 2 quickly enjoyed learning some golf terminology: green, tee, water and sand! [...]

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