Jack The Ripper Performances 1st, 2nd, 3rd April

2009-03-30T13:57:56+01:00March 30th, 2009|

Tickets for Jack the Ripper are on sale now! Available from Main Reception every lunchtime, or call the box office on 01264 364533. Performances start at 7.30pm with film trailers starting from 7.15pm. Tickets cost £6.00 / Concessions £2.50

Tag Rugby Fun at Portway Infants with Harrow Way Sports Leaders!

2009-03-30T10:40:11+01:00March 30th, 2009|

During the whole of this Spring Term, six Year 10 Harrow Way Sports Leaders have shown an extremely high level of commitment to volunteering and leadership.  Every Tuesday after school, Stephanie Villiers, Grace Howells, Sarah Hartley, Sophie Attmere, Katie Woolf and Lisa Phillimore have set off for Portway Infants to run [...]

Lions full of pride for their young footballers!

2009-04-28T10:37:56+01:00March 28th, 2009|

On Wednesday 25th March, despite the somewhat Arctic conditions, some 60 young players from Portway Junior School, Knights Enham Junior and Wolverdene School braved the elements to take part in the highly enjoyable HSA sponsored Lions in the Community Harrow Way Festival held at the Harrow Way Community School. [...]

Convincing Partnership Victory for Futsal 96 team!

2009-03-27T13:01:12+00:00March 27th, 2009|

Having won the North Partnership round, Harrow Way set off for the final of the Futsal 96 Mountbatten Partnership competition. First up, they faced a formidable Mountbatten School team. Winning with a clean sheet they then faced Test Valley in the finals who had come through as winners of the South [...]

Tennis for Adults!

2009-03-25T15:54:01+00:00March 25th, 2009|

Rhonda Sturgess, Harrow Way’s School Sport’s Coordinator, and Margaret Winnett of Andover Lawn Tennis Club have won a bid to enable the ALTC to offer the 16+ age group the opportunity to return to sport – Return to Sport is Big Lottery funded through Sport England – its aim is to [...]

Half Term Activities at Harrow Way

2009-03-30T10:13:52+01:00March 25th, 2009|

During 2 days of the February half term, 111 parents and children visited the school to take part in the following: JUNK SCULPTURE: a Robot or fantasy figure was made from recycled junk with artist Chris Jenkins. RAKU FIRED POTTERY: Raku glazed ceramic bowls were produced. With ceramic artist Jonny Diorio. FASHION ACCESSORIES: were designed and [...]


2009-03-24T12:09:36+00:00March 24th, 2009|

On Thursday 5th March, Gavin Kewley from Skills2Learn, gave a brilliant presentation during the morning, to 70 Year 10 students in the school hall. Gavin spoke about Motivation, Learning about ‘How to Learn’ and Improving Memory – the students even learnt how to juggle! The students found the session most useful and very enjoyable. [...]

Read to Succeed

2009-03-24T11:55:12+00:00March 24th, 2009|

Wednesday 18th March saw the final meeting of ‘Read to Succeed’. Students from five schools, including some Year 6 pupils from Portway were invited to Harrow Way School Library to vote for their favourite read from a choice of three that they had been reading previously. The books were ‘Larkright’ by Philip Reeve, ‘The London [...]

Outstanding Netball Results – 18 March 2009

2009-03-20T14:31:24+00:00March 20th, 2009|

John Hanson School hosted The Mountbatten School Sports Partnership Netball League - under 16s and U14s matches and the End of Season District Schools Tournament last Wednesday.  Both the Harrow Way teams won their matches brining home the 'Double'. Many congratulations go to both teams: Under 14s team:  Alice Longshaw, Steph Jackson (Capt), Cathy Murray, [...]

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