Ski Trip Day 2 – Monday 2nd February

2009-02-05T22:52:26+00:00February 2nd, 2009|

Today the students were bright and breezy as they were excited with the prospect of the first day’s skiing (Well, with the exception of Ken, Joe and Ryan; Miss Escritt now has bruised knuckles from hammering on the door to wake them up!). Conditions were excellent; nice, deep, crisp snow and [...]


2009-02-02T23:58:46+00:00February 2nd, 2009|

Due to today's snow and the fact that the forecast remains poor, I have decided to close the school on Tuesday 3rd February. At the moment, no decision has been made about Wednesday so please keep checking the website and listen to Andover Sound on 106.4 or 2tenfm. Therefore, as things stand at the time [...]

Ski photo gallery of Day 2 (1st on snow)

2009-02-02T12:48:32+00:00February 2nd, 2009|

Click on the picture to visit Day 2's gallery of photos. We'll write the blog later. Everyone is having a fabulous time and are very animated with their stories of this morning's skiing.  Our snow's better than your snow ... and it's sunny! Ha!

Harrow Way is NOT OPEN

2009-02-02T11:26:44+00:00February 2nd, 2009|

Mr Currie has taken the decision to close the school, due to the uncertainty of homeward transport links. The buses for Roman Way and Amport & District have been requested and will take students home. John Pike and Black & White transport are unable to collect. We will keep you advised on Andover Sound and [...]

Ski Trip Day 1 – Sunday 1st February

2009-02-05T22:49:07+00:00February 1st, 2009|

At last! The day that we’ve all been waiting for, arrived … but, too early in the morning!  Who arranges a ski trip that has to leave at 3.30 in the morning? … MR HUDSON!  Thankfully, everyone managed to arrive on time, although Kathryn Moore left it until as her [...]

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