The Year 7 young  eagles made a flying start to their football careers at Harrow Way with an emphatic 9-1 destruction of Bishop Challoner School from Basingstoke in the County Cup on Tuesday night. The eagles took advantage of the blustery conditions in the first half and were 4-0 up within the first fifteen minutes thanks to the enterprising attacking play of Tyler and Emans. Spurred on by newly elected captain Wade Crisp in the midfield Harrow Way dominated the first half possession,  and the half-time score thoroughly reflected this with a score of 7-0 to the home side. The eagles’ defence also looked strong and well organised, reducing Bishop strikes at goal to just two. To their credit Bishop Challoner produced a spirited diplay in the second half with the wind advantage, and did pull a goal back in the first ten minutes. However, further goals from Harper-Ronald, one a well taken penalty, and the other a driven shot to the left-hand corner, ensured the eagles won the half, and the match by nine goals to one. A very promising first performance from this young team, who should be proud of their effort and achievement. Well done boys, good luck in the next round.

STAR PERFORMER – MARCUS TYLER-whose well-taken goals early in the game set the eagles on the road to success.