Sports Day

2008-07-24T08:05:00+01:00July 24th, 2008|

The whole school came together for the final day in a wonderful sporting occasion. Just about every student was involved in the events in one way or another. A great way to end the year. For a gallery of pictures click here.

Stars in Your Eyes & Yr10 Complete Programme

2008-07-23T16:10:34+01:00July 23rd, 2008|

The performing arts department concluded their extensive programme with the Yr10 BTEC Showcase and the annual 'Stars in Your Eyes competition. For a full gallery of pictures from both shows click here.

Activity Day Fishing

2008-07-22T17:07:50+01:00July 22nd, 2008|

The annual activity day fishing trip took place in glorious sunshine. The anglers went to the Vale Farm Fishery in Longparish. Everybody caught something. Big fish and little fish. For a full gallery of pictures click here.

Whole School Letter – July 2008

2008-07-22T16:31:15+01:00July 22nd, 2008|

Please follow this link for the Headteacher's letter to parents.  We wish everyone a restful break and look forward to the start of the new term on 5th September at 8.45 am for all students.

Head’s Corner Summer 2008

2008-07-22T15:24:48+01:00July 22nd, 2008|

This is my twelfth Head’s Corner and marks the end of my fourth year as Headteacher at Harrow Way Community School. It has, as usual, been an incredibly busy year and as we embrace our Specialist Mathematics and Computing Status from September, next year promises to be just as busy. [...]

Superb support from sports leaders!

2008-07-22T11:51:33+01:00July 22nd, 2008|

Supported by Harrow Way Community School, who provided the certificates and leaders, and by Andover FC who provided the referee, the medals and the trophy, the first ever Rural Schools Girls’ Indoor Football Competition was a huge success! […]

Headteacher’s Commendation Award

2008-07-22T11:00:31+01:00July 22nd, 2008|

Two more hardworking Year 7 girls were awarded their Headteacher's Commendation this morning by Mr Currie.  An excellent effort by Anna-Leigh and Poppy who have kept up their efforts right to the end of term.  Enjoy spending your rewards!

Year 2 Tri-Golf Festival at Harrow Way Community School

2008-07-22T10:28:48+01:00July 22nd, 2008|

Thursday 17th July was a very important day for Year 2 children from Harrow Way’s family of schools. Pupils travelled from Appleshaw St Peter’s, Kimpton, Knights Enham Infants and Portway Infants to play in the first ever Tri-Golf Festival to be held at the school. Run by the Year 10 Sports’ [...]

Key Stage 3 Presentation Evening

2008-07-21T20:37:38+01:00July 21st, 2008|

The school came to celebrate the achievements of students in Key Stage Three. The Hall was packed to share in the success of the young people on show who were being rewarded for their efforts during the Year. For a full gallery of pictures click here.

Primary School Gifted & Talented Performing Arts Day

2008-07-22T11:11:15+01:00July 20th, 2008|

On a beautiful sunny day on Friday 18th July 2008, Harrow Way Community School was visited by Gifted & Talented Students from some of the local primary schools. Joining us for a day of Performing Arts were students from Portway Junior School and Kimpton Primary School. The day was an absolute [...]

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