Day 5 – 13.03.08

2008-03-14T16:05:30+00:00March 14th, 2008|

Guess what?  It’s not been snowing! This morning, we woke to glorious sunshine and the most perfect conditions.  Everyone was eager to get out and put their newly found skills into practice. […]

Ski stories – just in case

2008-03-13T22:41:56+00:00March 13th, 2008|

The network at the hotel is very temperamental so, just in case you do not see a blog for the day, please check during the following morning … one should appear!

12/03/08 – Day 4 (Day 3 of skiing)

2008-03-13T22:45:13+00:00March 13th, 2008|

Guess what it was doing this morning? …  Snowing! It’s great having all this snow, but it would be nice to be able to see it.  Everyone has become very short-sighted and has a permanent stare on their face.  All the students look the same with their hats and goggles on [...]

Fund Raising Presentation

2008-03-12T21:52:42+00:00March 12th, 2008|

 There was a moving little presentation on Wednesday as a cheque for £700 was handed over to a representative from Andover Riding for the Disabled. The money came from the proceeds of the ex-student pantomime which was held in Monxton Village Hall recently and the small group of students who presented the cheque were also [...]

Day 3 Tuesday 11 March 2008

2008-03-12T09:22:31+00:00March 11th, 2008|

‘White World’ is what greeted the students as they woke up today! Over night, the ski gods had deposited about 18cm of new snow, and it was still snowing. […]

Harrow Way Students Win 1st Place at IBM Blue Fusion

2008-03-11T10:05:44+00:00March 10th, 2008|

Today Harrow Way attended the annual Blue Fusion event run by IBM at their premises in Hursley with six Year 10 students. During the day the students competed in a series of challenges “Designed to challenge the teams, but also to develop their awareness of science, engineering and technology through interactions [...]

Science Department invites Juniors to enjoy a little ‘Colour Chemistry’

2008-03-26T15:38:56+00:00March 10th, 2008|

  On the 3rd March some junior school pupils were invited to Harrow Way School's science department for a bit of 'Colour Chemistry'. Add two clear solutions together.   What colour?  red / clear Add a blue solution to black powder.  What colour?  black / blue Put a white powder into the flame of a bunsen burner.  [...]

Year 9 Mock Trials Competition

2008-03-12T21:55:47+00:00March 10th, 2008|

On Saturday 8th March some year 9 students and Mrs Delany (Head of RE & Citizenship) went to Southampton Court rooms, for a mock trials competition. Each team member took on different roles, such as Court Reporter, Legal Adviser, Magistrate and Prosecution Lawyer. For pictures click here.

Day one – Ski report

2008-03-11T17:19:30+00:00March 10th, 2008|

After a fairly uneventful journey out, we are able to report that the group arrived safely in Les Menuires on schedule at 11:30 today. […]

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