Evening entertainment on our first evening was interesting! Creating that designer look with a selection of bin bags and parcel tape didn’t prove too much of a challenge for our students. Selecting the catwalk models wasn’t a problem either. Unfortunately, sashaying up and down was just one part of the judging process – each contestant had to come up with a good joke and a chat-up line, and prove their prowess on the dance floor. Each group had some interesting ideas on what constituted humour and appealing comments to the opposite sex, but the overall winner was Ayisha and her team. Well done!Â
Everyone was in their rooms by 10.30 pm getting ready for bed when BRRNNNG – the fire alarm went off. An assortment of pink fluffy slippers, pyjamas and dressing gowns trooped down the stairs in good order and met at the allocated spot. All students followed the instructions given earlier in the afternoon – they were listening after all! After the PGL staff had told us it was a false alarm we were glad to get back into the rooms and settle down to sleep.