Distance: 68 miles

Total Distance: 384 miles

Conditions: Wet

A hilly ride through Shropshire. As we were riding through a place called Brosely, Woodsy suddenly disappeared up a side road. It turned out that he had realised that an old Uni friend lived there and so he went to call for him. Of course he was not in, a neighbour said that he had moved out over a year ago. Oh well.
Due to the stupid gearing on Dan’s bike that prevented him from riding up any hills at all, by day 5 he was riding Jons bike. Unfortunately he snapped the chain with his huge legs and had to be rescued by Chris. He quickly swapped back to his original bike and rode the remaining 9 miles to Cheadle.

Once we were there, a lovely lady called Helen, took us back to her house, and allowed us to shower! A very necessary move given the exertions of the day! In addition she provided us with cups of tea, and a very, very kind donation!