Little rays of sunshine

2007-07-20T15:33:36+01:00July 20th, 2007|

Over the last few weeks Year 8 students in Mrs Collins’ art class have been working with children from Harrow Way Pre-school helping them to make and paint clay sunflowers and pea-pods. […]

Head’s Corner – July 2007

2007-12-19T13:41:21+00:00July 20th, 2007|

I recall in my last Head’s corner my optimistic comments about looking forward to warm sunshine for a few months.  How wrong can one be?  Perhaps we should be optimistic now about the possibility of some seasonal weather during the summer break and maybe even an Indian Summer later on! [...]

Monkey Business

2007-07-19T19:58:15+01:00July 19th, 2007|

Earlier today the Year 7 students had a great time at Monkey World.  They had a very eventful start to their day though.  Only one coach out of the three that left Harrow Way actually reached its destination on time and without a hiccup.  Coach two broke down just the other side of Salisbury and [...]

Stars in Your Eyes Triumph

2007-07-18T09:15:12+01:00July 18th, 2007|

The Hall was thronged on Tuesday night to see the young and not so young performers of Harrow Way strut their stuff in this year's Stars in Your Eyes competition. For a gallery of pictures click here.

Harrow Way Celebrates Key Stage 3 Achievements

2007-07-16T21:27:03+01:00July 16th, 2007|

There was a packed house for the Key Stage 3 presentation evening on 16th July. The audience of parents, staff and students heard Headteacher, Mr Currie, welcome everyone to the school and praise the record of the students who had been recognised with an award. Deputy Headteacher, Mr Goatley, has responsibility for Key Stage 3 and [...]

Yr 11 Drama Group in Wales

2007-07-16T13:42:50+01:00July 16th, 2007|

The last act of the Yr11 Btec group was played out in the open air theatre of Phil Bowen and Sue Best on 10th July. To read more click here. To read about the work of Phil Bowen and Sue Best click here. A video of the production can be viewed here in full. [...]

Year 5 Activity Days in Science

2007-07-16T10:07:45+01:00July 16th, 2007|

During the year 5 activity days, students who had a science lesson got the chance to do a piddle experiment. Photos can be seen of the experiment in the gallery here.

Year 10 Scientists Radiation Presentation

2007-07-13T11:01:04+01:00July 13th, 2007|

The Year 10 Scientists were recently given an insight into the nature of radiation and radioactivity, highlighting the need for safety, monitoring and shielding by Mr Williams and Mr Manello, who work in the Radiology Safety and Monitoring unit of the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), Aldermaston.  Seen in the picture are two volunteer radiation workers [...]

Year 11 Leavers Prom Photos

2007-07-12T09:16:22+01:00July 12th, 2007|

The official photos from the 2007 Year 11 leavers prom are now available to view & purchase online. The complete collection of photos is now in the Photo Gallery. The images have been resized and watermarked for website use; full size copies are available to order. Photo Ordering: To order high quality copies of [...]

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