County Cup Football Yr 11 – Eagles flying high as previous champions crash out! Result – Wildern 2 Harrow Way 5(after extra time)

2007-03-30T15:17:29+01:00March 23rd, 2007|

The Year 11 football team confirmed their position as one of the 'top 4' teams in the county with a tremendous away win against previous champions Wildern School. This result rates as one of the best ever by any year group in the history of Harrow Way School football. A tremendous achievement by all the players [...]

Football latest – Derby matches end all square as Yr 11 ‘Eagles’ avenge Yr 7 defeat. Results – Yr 11 – Harrow Way 8 John Hanson 0. Yr 7 – John Hanson 5 Harrow Way 2.

2007-03-30T16:59:55+01:00March 23rd, 2007|

In a busy week for football the 'Eagles' suffered defeat on Wednesday night then the joy of victory on Thursday evening, as the successful Year 11 side defeated their rivals from John Hanson by eight goals to nil, whilst previously the Yr 7s put up a spirited display in a five goals to two away defeat against the same school. [...]

Our Day Out Nears Performance Dates

2007-03-23T14:29:15+00:00March 22nd, 2007|

  The Yr11 Btec 1st National Diploma final major project is nearing its completion and performance dates. The show will be performed in school on 28th/29th/30th March and will close with a special performance on 31st March in The Lights Theatre in Andover. We will be the first school/youth/community group to perform in the theatre since [...]

Our Day Out Nears Performance Dates

2007-03-26T17:58:33+01:00March 22nd, 2007|

  The Year 11 Btec 1st National Diploma final major project this year is the musical version of the Willie Russell play, 'Our Day Out'. Here the cast pose with director Mark McGann. To read more about this show click here. To see a gallery of pictures from a rehearsal click here. [...]

Appleshaw visit the RoboLab

2007-04-03T23:14:30+01:00March 20th, 2007|

On Friday 16th March year 5 and 6 students from Appleshaw Primary School paid a visit to the Harrow Way RoboLab to use our LEGO Mindstorms NXT kits. Students completed basic tasks to familiarise themselves with the robots and software, then competed as teams in the "Specsavers" and "Brick Pusher" challenges. To view a selection [...]

IBM Blue Fusion 2007

2007-03-20T14:08:07+00:00March 20th, 2007|

On Tuesday 13th March 6 students from year 10 took part in the annual "Blue Fusion" schools event at IBM Hursley Park near Winchester. The students took part in a range of activities including running a nuclear power station, giving a weather forecast and designing a formula 1 car to race against other schools. To [...]

Cricklade Science Quiz 13th March 2007

2007-03-20T11:53:36+00:00March 20th, 2007|

Harrow Way came close in the Cricklade Science Quiz: We took teams from Years 7, 8 and 9 to The Lights Theatre for the 14th Annual Science Quiz. The students who competed were: Year 7 – Sophie Walters, Connor Guiver, Sophie Boyne, Ryan Hethershaw Year 8 – Sophie Attmere, Grace Howells, [...]

Year 9 Science Trip to Action Stations

2007-03-29T11:39:29+01:00March 19th, 2007|

On Thursday 15th March thirty year 9 students went to the Naval Dockyard at Portsmouth to attend a Key Stage 3 Revision day on Forces and Motion at Action Stations. The day started with a demonstration which featured a home-made hover chair and moved on to a lesson involving Newton’ s [...]

Catering at Harrow Way Community School

2007-04-18T11:50:11+01:00March 16th, 2007|

If you would like information about the nutritious snacks and meals Harrow Way catering has to offer, please use the following link to read what HC3S, the school's caterers, has to say about the government's new standards for school food, view menus and find recipes.  What's cooking? Spring 2007 More about HC3S's price structure and [...]

Year 8 “Aiming High” visit to Tile Barn

2007-05-23T19:59:27+01:00March 14th, 2007|

As part of the “Aim Higher” project, and hot on the heels of the year 7 group who visited last week, 10 year 8 students and 3 members of staff return from a 2 day survival course in the New Forest at the Tile Barn centre. […]

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