School Bus Code of Conduct

2007-02-27T12:38:34+00:00February 27th, 2007|

 To view the Harrow Way School Code of Conduct for use on all school transport please click on the following link.  Please note that failure to comply with this Code of Conduct could result in a student's Bus Identity Pass being withdrawn.

The Ironman Challenges You

2007-02-26T12:56:57+00:00February 26th, 2007|

Students, governors and members of staff meet every Tuesday and Friday morning at 7.45 a.m. to take part in a regular fitness programme.  The team has also pledged to do one other fitness session during the weekend.  In June, the aim of the club is to take part in an Ironman Challenge.  Between them they will [...]

Dance Festival Success

2007-02-17T11:50:02+00:00February 17th, 2007|

The dancers took their 'Firebird' dance to be performed at the Hampshire Music Dance Festival. They completely won over the audience with the show and can be thoroughly proud of what they have achieved. Unfortunately there were no pictures taken of the event so for a gallery of pictures of the performance at The Anvil follow [...]

Shakespeare in Schools Day

2007-02-17T11:46:03+00:00February 17th, 2007|

  The Drama and English Departments combined to bring Shakespeare in Schools to Harrow Way. This touring theatre company aims to bring Shakespeare to young audiences in a way that is accessible without comprimising artistic or intellectual inegrity. The day starts with a 'show about the show'. Then the actors run a series of active [...]

Shakespeare in Schools Day

2007-02-17T11:34:41+00:00February 17th, 2007|

  Shakespeare in Schools, the company directed by the great friend of Harrow Way, Rob Soulsby-Smith, spent the day with Year 9 on Tuesday 13th February. For a more detailed report click here. For a gallery of pictures click here.

Paris Trip – October 2006

2007-02-16T16:51:09+00:00February 16th, 2007|

In October this year, 35 students accompanied by Mrs Vanderplank, Mrs Coe, Mr Warren and Mme Coin enjoyed a 5 day trip to Paris. […]

Pantomime at Monxton

2007-02-14T09:40:11+00:00February 13th, 2007|

  The annual pantomime at Monxton Hall is now under way. This year the group, which consists entirely of ex-students and current students from Harrow Way, is performing 'Snow White'. They are pleased to announce that their chosen charity is a trust fund set up to support young people suffering from cystic fibrosis and their parents. [...]

It’s Panto Time

2007-02-14T09:38:42+00:00February 13th, 2007|

The annual theatrical extravaganza that is the Monxton Pantomime presented by ex-students is once again about to hit the boards. For a full report click here. For a gallery of pictures click here. To take a look 'behind the scenes' a stop motion video of the setup day & technical rehearsal is now available to [...]

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