New Specialist School Bid is launched.

2006-07-13T13:09:18+01:00June 21st, 2006|

It has been agreed in principle that the new focus for the specialist school bid is to be Maths and Computing. The lead writer will be Tony Parsons, with Head of ICT Andrew Woods and Head of Maths Andrew Mountain supporting the procedure.

First results

2006-07-17T15:11:21+01:00June 7th, 2006|

DiDA students have completed the first Unit of their course. The results were a mixed bag with some very good projects and some who need to work harder. A big pat on the back for all those students who have passed, and a nasty shock for those that didn't. Luckily marks can be re-submitted and all [...]

Year 7 win local science quiz

2006-06-07T14:02:28+01:00June 6th, 2006|

Teams of 4 students from years 7, 8 and 9 took part in a science quiz hosted by John Hanson Community School. All 3 teams performed well, but extra congratulations must go to the year 7 team who won overall for their year group!

Harrow Way students perform well at IBM

2020-12-15T11:29:54+00:00June 6th, 2006|

In May 2006 a group of 6 Harrow Way students from year 10 attended a science and technology competition held by IBM at their grounds in Hursley, Hampshire. Students and staff thoroughly enjoyed the day, and put in an impressive performance to finish 3rd out of 14 schools from across Hampshire. 73 Well done team! [...]

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